

From healthcare to hospitality, 业务领导者正在采用CPaaS工具来提高生产力和协作.

Now is the time to unleash the power of your business communications. 在这个高度数字化的时代, 与同事和业务伙伴Contact和共享信息比以往任何时候都容易.

After all, effective collaboration is essential to good business.

Collaboration when you’re on the move?
的 mobile workforce continues to evolve, 越来越多的企业希望通过云来获得敏捷性和增强协作. Businesses want simple deployment, 直观的体验, and easy-to-use technology to support agile mobility. 至关重要的是,所使用的解决方案必须提供丰富的功能集和各种方法,以便通过他们选择的任何设备与同事有效地进行交互. It should be infrastructure-agnostic, 这意味着这些工具可以与现有的通信平台和电话系统无缝集成.

Today’s workplaces are rapidly changing, 这些工具必须提供各种各样的新功能,以跟上高速发展的步伐, perpetually-connected digital environment.

Connect and share from anyw在这里
From our personal lives to the workplace, 数字技术使人们更容易快速地与人和地方建立Contact, share pertinent information, and securely collaborate without borders. Today’s digital workplaces are no exception, 尤其是当“工作”的定义从过去需要办公室和会议的活动演变为可以在任何地方完成的活动时, 在任何时候, 在任何设备上.

随着移动技术在企业中的普及,员工越来越能够在任何地方工作, the concept of office life is rapidly changing. 现在已经习惯了强大的数字技术和个人生活中永远在线的连接, employees expect the same conveniences in the workplace.

在过去, 办公室交流的主要中心可能是饮水机或会议室. 然而,今天的员工无论身在何处,都能Contact并分享信息. 由于这些趋势, 沟通和协作工具正在成为当今数字化工作场所的命脉.

Mobile collaboration the way it should be

例如,让我们想象一下 Jane is away on a business trip. 她正在笔记本电脑上为早上的一个重要会议做准备,这时她意识到自己可能没有最新版本的ppt. 她打开公司的通讯平台,开始和John聊天,让他把邮件发给她. 约翰迅速将演示上传到聊天窗口,然后与团队的其他成员进行视频会议,这样他们就可以对明天的推介进行微调. Jane shares her screen so they can all review her presentation notes. 这个工具允许Jane只需点击一下就可以与多个同事交谈,并且通过允许每个人参与而不管他们的位置,从而简化了工作效率.

Woman on laptop in hotel room

To keep up with the rapid pace of digital transformation, many business leaders are incorporating cloud-based infrastructure, 软件, and services into their IT mix to enhance business agility and offer new, on-demand services to their customers and employees. But when it comes to their communications tools, 许多企业都在使用现有的平台,并拥有熟悉的系统,他们不想破坏和替换.

的 answer for many IT departments is a hybrid solution, which uses a mix of on-premises and cloud-based infrastructure. 这允许企业保留并继续使用现有的通信投资, 同时也使他们能够为员工提供创新的基于云的服务和功能, even those that might be working remotely.

被称为 Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS), 这些基于云的解决方案旨在与本地平台集成,以允许他们访问全范围的基于云的服务. Through a simple and highly intuitive app, remote users can send and receive calls or instant messages, host or attend video conferences, 或者通过远程桌面或移动设备拨打同事的分机号. 混合策略允许管理层为其用户提供增强的功能,同时充分利用其现有基础设施并实现云服务的承诺.

Connecting businesses in every industry, such as hospitality…
Office environments aren’t the only place w在这里 CPaaS tools can be of value. 例如, 酒店公司可以改变客人的体验,并将整个酒店社区(员工)Contact起来, 合作伙伴, suppliers) using a single unified app. 想象一下,客人可以在旅途或住宿期间的任何时候与酒店工作人员Contact, manage their own booking or cancellation, and rate their hotel experience directly through the app.

Businessman in hotel lobby on mobile

学生和老师也可以使用类似的平台在课堂之外相互Contact, allowing students to enjoy a highly interactive and engaging learning experience. 医疗保健, 运输, 政府客户也在使用这些解决方案来最大限度地提高生产力并提供增强的服务.
Unleash your digital workplace to be mobile and borderless

Alcatel-Lucent 彩虹™ solution 基于云的协作应用程序是否提供了一套强大的通信工具,可以无缝集成到您现有的内部应用程序和业务流程中.

了解更多关于ALE的解决方案如何帮助您释放业务通信的力量, 请浏览我们的 彩虹网页. You can also connect with us on Twitter at @ALUEnterprise 或者来找我们 啤酒LinkedIn.



Executive Vice President, B&A Business Unit at Ingenico Group

马修Destot is Executive Vice President, B&A Business Unit at Ingenico Group. 他带领全球支付终端领导者转型为支付接受新世界中最值得信赖的全球技术合作伙伴.

在此之前,Matthieu曾担任首席运营官以及全球销售执行副总裁 & 在阿尔卡特朗讯企业部门担任市场营销,并推动ALE通信业务部门成功转型,提供互联平台. This set the stage to provide business users, and their business contacts, 由ALE运营的集成和创新的基于云的协作工作场所解决方案. With 20 years of experience at ALE, Matthieu held various positions in the sales leadership team, 业务部门, and technology acquisitions across Europe, North America and Asia Pacific, and remains a member for the Board of Directors for ALE. 

Matthieu拥有法国里尔中央学院(Ecole Centrale Lille)工程学硕士学位,并毕业于巴黎ESSEC商学院.



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